One weekend in Rome

A long time ago we finished up a European cruise with an extended weekend in Rome. This was in 2007. We stayed at the Cavalieri Hilton, a Waldorf Astoria Hotel, on points. We were treated like Roman Royalty. On one of the higher levels you can have complimentary wine, cocktails and appetizers on a balcony with views of the Vatican. Our daughter’s boyfriend at the time was so impressed he asked if he could do anything for Jon, foot rub perhaps? You could catch a taxi or a shuttle out in front of the hotel. This was long before Uber.

I had always imagined the Trevi Fountain to be a lot bigger than it was. My brother was stationed in Rome while he was in the Navy and I guess the stories he told made it sound much bigger. Nonetheless, it was beautiful. The story goes that if you throw a coin over your shoulder into the fountain it signifies that one day you will return. We all did that and I hope it is true.

We took one day to go and see the Colosseum and the Forum. I never knew what the inside of the Colosseum looked like until we were there. I thought it was open and that it was where the lions and Gladiators fought each other. Well, part of that is true but is was much more than that.

The Roman Forum is a collection of ruins and historic buildings which used to be a bustling market place, where you can explore the iconic pillars and churches nestled in the old cobbled streets. The Palatine Hill includes 17th century aviaries, an Imperial Palace and huge retaining walls.

The Forum

Side note just for fun: This particular day my daughter was not feeling well, Caesar’s Revenge I think it was and she and her boyfriend stayed back at the hotel. So, on our way we picked up some wine, which by the way was $18 a bottle in the US and $8 in Rome, plus some M and M’s and took them back with us. We bought some ice and put 5 bottles of wine with the ice in the bidet. Hey, it made a good ice bucket, and played Poker with M and M’s for chips……..but I digress.

The next day we decided to visit the Vatican. We went inside the cathedral, went past the Swiss Guards and took the tour inside. Fascinating indeed.

Next we went to the Pantheon. The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. It was built and dedicated between A.D 118 and 125.

The Tiber River

Oh Rome, I’d love to go back one day and visit you again…… Well since I dropped coins in the Trevi Fountain I guess it will come true.


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