Lucas is 3!

How time flies! Our Grandson turned 3 in June. He is just the sweetest little boy.

We went to see him in Turlock near his actual birthday. There is a park with a Gazebo across the street from where he lives and we took his gifts with us for him to open. His Dad, Joey, got him a scooter which he will learn to ride alone someday and we got him a golf set which he will learn to play with as well. The golf set had some practice balls with velcro and a target that he throughly enjoyed playing with.

We then walked down to the BIG park a couple blocks away and he played on the swings and slides and had a good ol’ time.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and bringing you your Aunt Nikki’s new book for learning ABC’s and writing. I love you little man. Hugs.

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