Happy Birthday Thelma and Louise

Today you are six years old. The two of you have given us so many wonderful cuddles and licks and when we discovered we all liked camping together that was the icing on the proverbial cake. I said in the initial post that we picked you two girls out by seeing a picture on Craig’s List of Thelma. Well, Mama fell in love. Here it is:

Da Girls !

Daddy picked out Louise, Thelma’s sister, because she seemed the most docile. Well, we all know how that turned out. As our friend Dean says….”Its always Louise”. We wouldn’t trade her for anything though. As much as she has an annoying bark, psycho behavior and more, she also has the sweetest face ever. We call it “Fweet Face” in dog speak of course.

So Happy Birthday Girls and here are some of our favorite pictures of you, our Cuddle Bugs.

At the front door of our new house
Tent camping….you can see a little bit of Mama’s red hair !
Lake Amador
Close to the pool…..so scared of the water !!
Thelma is always camera ready!
Such Love

Well I could post pictures of our little girls for days, but for now, that’ll do.

Happy Birthday you beautiful Boradors. Mom and Dad love you tons.

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