Books N Cooks #32

The Women by Kristin Hannah

The Women is the story of one woman gone to war, but it shines a light on all women who put themselves in harm’s way and whose sacrifice and commitment to their country has too often been forgotten. A novel about deep friendships and bold patriotism, The Women is a richly drawn story with a memorable heroine whose idealism and courage under fire will come to define an era.

Che Thai Dessert/Drink

Our luncheon, inspired by the book, was Vietnamese food. We started with a Sesame Chicken Salad followed by Vietnamese Egg Rolls, with a dipping sauce, Lumpia, (funny story here for later) plus sticky rice and Lemongrass Chicken. We ended our meal with a yummy, very elaborate drink/dessert called Che Thai. Links to the recipes are below.

So our club member Barbara Ann wanted to bring Lumpia to our Vietnamese luncheon……even though I told her I was making Eggrolls and that Lumpia is a Filipino dish and the Vietnam war was not in the Philippines. Oh, too funny and you’ve got to love Babs……and we do!

We really enjoyed this book and it brought up a lot of memories for each of us. Most of us are of a certain age and we lived through that era. We talked about the Draft, the War itself, why we were even there and our friends and brothers that served. It was a most interesting conversation.

Stay tuned our next book is “The Lost Bookshop” by Evie Woods.
Happy Reading and Cooking!

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