Adriatic and Ionian Cruise 2022 – Dubrovnik

We love to cruise. One of the many joys of cruising is pulling into port first thing in the morning when we and the city are just waking up. The port of Dubrovnik was special because it had a beautiful bridge and another ship already positioned there. Yep, our captain had to parallel park our ship and he did a perfect job. We stood on our balcony with our bathrobes on and coffee in hand to watch this spectacular feat with a beautiful view.

Franjo Tudman Bridge and the another ship already in port.

Franjo Tudman Bridge

We tried to watch Game of Thrones when it first came out to see what all the Hubbub was about. We even made a medieval dinner to go along with our viewing. Cornish Game Hens, potatoes and Beer. Well, sadly it didn’t do anything for us. When we arrived in Dubrovnik we found out that Game of Thrones was filmed here. We shared a taxi to the Old Walled town with an elderly couple and two young twenty something women who started screaming as we came upon the Walled City. I guess we will give GOT another chance now.

from our taxi…..I can still hear the screams

One of the touristy things to do here is to walk the walls. It costs about 30 euros to do so, and well worth it. The first sight was this guy in costume selling souvenirs by the fountain.

Back in the day this was the only source of fresh water for the people who lived there.

So we begin to walk the walls…….straight up……it was a workout but so worth it. The views were spectacular.

Inside the walled city
A sea of red tiled roofs
More of the walls and a turret

In this photo you can see the beginnings of some kayakers and one of many beautiful restaurants.

Otis Blount Doppleganger !!

As I eluded to before, there were a lot of kayakers around the fortress that day. Here you can see the progression until they had a meeting……what do you call a group of kayakers? A pride, a murder or just plain Kooky? Wikipedia calls them Pods, Swarms, or Flocks. Anyway they had a fantastic view and made for a gorgeous picture.

Inside the walled city of Dubrovnik there is a juxtaposition of Old and New. Even the new is not ALL that new but compared to the old it is. You can rent an apartment or condo if you want inside the city walls from AirBNB or VRBO which is very cool. You may find a place surrounded by the Old and the New.

If you hadn’t noticed in my other blog posts I have a laundry fetish, especially in foreign countries. I think it is beautiful and I feel like I am in on a cultural experience. Here are a few from Dubrovnik.

There are many shops and restaurants inside the city walls. Here are some of the restaurants.

The most famous spot for the filming of Game of Thrones are the steps. For those of you that are fans, try to imagine it without all the tourists……

There is a beautiful marina that flows into the city. It is gorgeous and hosts some fabulous yachts.

We stopped for lunch at a restaurant with a view of the marina. Jon had a soup described by the waitress as very green, she was telling the truth and I had an Octopus salad.

Jon’s “very green” soup

Octopus Salad

So we had a few Gala nights on board ship and this was the first.

Ah… sweet.

If you have made it this far…….Bravo! I will post the next city soon which will be Sarande, Albania.

6 comments on “Adriatic and Ionian Cruise 2022 – Dubrovnik

  1. Dubrovnik is beautiful and I am interested in going there now! You did a spectacular job with all of your amazing pictures. I watched GOT and was dazzled to see all of the ancient history. Thanks Deb for sharing and looking forward to the rest of you experience.

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