Camping at Tuttletown

Tuttletown Recreation Area is located in the Mother Lode area of Northern California. This campground is on New Melones Lake on the Stanislaus River. There are many outdoor and water activities to be found here. We love to fish, or at least try to fish. The first thing we caught that weekend was a stick fish…….ok, a branch of a tree.

The ever elusive stick fish !

This area is really peaceful and quiet. Thelma and Louise just love it there. One of our favorite things to do is to play backgammon and drink wine. This particular wine is from Portugal (another favorite of ours) and goes nicely with well, just about anything.

This particular trip was in April and it got a little chilly at night but the days were beautiful. One of the things I remember is that the bathroom and shower facilities were so clean. But if you have to have a “hurry up call” as my Mom used to say, you can always fashion your very own poo bucket for your tent. Bucket, trash bag and pool noodle for comfort.

Not far from the campground is a little General Store. You’ll never guess what it is called? If you were ever looking for this, here it is…….

You just can’t make these up !

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