Katakalon, Greece

Katakalon is the gateway to Ancient Olympia. The last time we were here, we went into Olympia and saw all the ruins of the area. This is where the original Olympics were held. Amazing. This time we wanted to see more rural or local Katakalon. Our first stop was Magna Grecia. It is an agricultural wonderland for olives and wine. Our kind of place. We arrived at 9:00 a.m. and as we stepped foot on the property we were welcomed with a glass of their white wine and olive bread. Fantastic. We listened to the owner talk about their process for making olive oil and toured the facility.

We walked around the grounds and saw some beautiful flowers and pepper plants. We toured their gift shop and tasted their olive oils. Each country we visited said that they had the best olive oil in the world. This olive oil is amazing and we had some shipped home to us. Their regular olive oil, and olive oil that is infused with garlic and one with red peppers arrived last week. We also bought a ceramic hand painted bowl that was painted by a Greek woman who has since passed away and it is beautiful. We were treated to a luncheon, where all of the food was from products that they grow. There was also entertainment in the form of Greek dancing. What a great experience.

Back in the port of Katakalon we did some shopping and had lunch at our favorite restaurant there. We had the same dish that we had in 2009. Deep fried small smelt. Yum.

Zucchini and Tomato Balls

Sailing away from Greece

The Strait of Messina

The Strait of Messina is a narrow strait between Sicily and the western tip of Southern Italy. It connects the Tyrrhenian Sea to the North, the Ionian Sea to the South, within the Central Mediterrean. Our Captain told us that around 4:00 p.m. we would be traveling through this area. Sicily was to our left and Calabria to the right. This is the route we were taking to get to Naples, Italy.

Ciao for now.

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