Camping in Truckee 7-4-21

Our dog Louise has many issues, but I think the one that is the worst is her fear of fire crackers. She also doesn’t like it when I am cooking on the stove. One time I was cooking and the smoke alarm went off. Heavens to Betsy! Thelma isn’t much better, but fireworks she is ok with. With that being said we decided to go camping in Truckee. It is a really cute little town on the Truckee River not too far from Reno and Lake Tahoe.

We’d been checking the weather forecast and it looked like it was going to be beautiful. It had been so hot here in the Valley and we were anxious for some cooler weather. However the closer we got to our destination, this is what we saw.

Thunder cloud

As soon as we pulled into our campsite we could tell that a storm was going to happen shortly. We quickly put up our canopy and threw most of our belongings under it, especially the dogs. It poured!

Under the canopy
Yep, a little wet.

When the rain stopped we quickly swept the area where we were going to put our tent and built our weekend holiday home…..with the rain tarp. Good thing too, as soon as we were done, it started raining again.

Our new 12 person tent for 2 people and 2 dogs……complete with screened in Lanai.

There was lightening, thunder and pouring down rain during the night, but the next day was dry and beautiful. We took a walk over to the Stampede Reservoir and were amazed at how low it was. There is vegetation there that was the same as Lake Tahoe when I was a little girl. I am VERY allergic to it. So I made sure the dogs and I didn’t touch it on this trip. No hives wanted here!

Fuzzy leaves……not good for me!
Jon and the girls.

On the 4th of July we had finished breakfast and were sitting by the fire when I saw a number of flashing lights coming our way. I said to Jon “Uh-oh, something is happening. I don’t know if someone is hurt or there is a fire or just what.” Well, it turns out that the Campground hosts perform a little 4th of July parade. The Grand marshall was Smokey the Bear. It was really cute and Louise and Thelma enjoyed it too. Much better than fireworks. We may do this again next year.

Every time we go camping now we try to challenge ourselves to a unique recipe that can be made outside. This time we really upped our game.

Behold…….The Wild Mushroom Ravioli with Sage (from our garden) Brown Butter and Roasted Walnuts. OMG was it good!!

It takes time and patience but we had both and why not try some upscale glamping recipes. Until next time, Happy Cooking and Eating.

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