
Provoleta is an Argentinian appetizer that takes you to cheese heaven. A little back story, if I may, we were going to take a South American cruise a few years back and when the time came, we decided it was just too costly. Fast forward to this year when my book club was given a galley match called Sobremesa. (This is a fabulous book by the way) Loosely, Sobremesa means the time after a meal where you sit around the table and continue to talk and tell stories. The author tells of her life and love of Argentina and the people who sat at her table. The book is filled with recipes and I found the one for Provoleta most enticing.

Cheesy Goodness


Rub the toasted slices with Garlic

We enjoyed this so much that we made it on our camping trip to Half Moon Bay. A cast iron skillet works the best.

I will be giving you a full report on Sobremesa: A Memoir of Food and Love in Thirteen courses in a few months. The authors name is Josephine Caminos Oria if you care to pick it up.

By the way, with all the research we have done and the Sobremesa book, we have booked our 30th Wedding Anniversary for next March to Argentina. Look out Buenos Aires !!

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