Camping in Lake Oroville

The first time we went camping in Lake Oroville was in July 2020, smack dab in the middle of the Covid 19 Pandemic and in the horrible heat of summer. We are talking the 105 or 106 degree mark. Fortunately we brought a fan that sprays water and that took the edge off. Anyway, there are 140 or so campsites and the weekend that we went (April 2021) there were 3 campsites taken. We were one of them. It wasn’t hot that weekend it was comfortable and cool and on the 3rd day it poured down rain. Let me tell you for camping I’ll take rain any day over the sweltering heat. We downloaded some movies, brought our dogs and Everything else inside the tent and just relaxed. Prior to the downpour we took a Sunday drive over to a little town near there called Forbestown. This seemed like a town that time had forgotten.

It was so lush and green in April and the deer would just walk through our campsite. Speaking of walking, we met an older couple that were taking their daily walk through the campgrounds. We will just call them Bill and Betty Bitcherson. Anyway we were washing our dishes and “the girls” were with us on their leashes, they sounded the bark alarm and we started chatting with the couple. It started out nice enough but soon we could tell that Betty was a complainer. She asked if we had gotten vaccinated and I said Yes, because I wanted to visit my daughter and Granddaughter who I hadn’t seen in a year who live in L.A. She said “I aint getting no shot!” Bill said “Nope, no Jab for me” Betty replied “Get the Jab, meet the slab”. I was dumbfounded and she said “I ain’t no communist”. I replied “I didn’t say you were!” Anyway, long story short they went about their walk and we finished up our dishes………People!

For Christmas our daughter Nikki gave us two camping hammocks and we put them to use on this trip. It was so comfortable and relaxing. Here are a few shots of the campsite #134.

After set-up
And a few Turkeys

On our camping trips, whether it is with friends or just Jon and I and “the girls”, we like to make unique dishes that you wouldn’t normally make for camping. This trip’s winners were a Pate with capers, red onions and cornichons and crackers to dip with. We also made Cheeseburger Quesadillas and lastly an amazing Breakfast of Chilaquilles. Below are pictures and recipes. Enjoy.

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