
Shelter in Place. Drink wine. Drink more wine!

As I am writing this I’m pretty sure it will be in the stream of consciousness. We got back from our cruise on March 16th and were directly put into lock-down. It is now April 29th and I know this will sound pretentious, but my hair needs color, I’ve cut my bangs 3 or 4 times and not well I might add; my husband has cut my toenails because I can’t reach them……insert fat joke here…….and I am about at the end of my tether. But you know what? I am not sick. Thankfully no one in my family or circle of friends has gotten sick either.

Here is our routine: Jon gets up at 4 a.m. and commutes to the room across the hall. He was already working from home so not a big inconvenience there. He makes coffee and his day has begun. I try to sleep until 6 ish and watch the Today show at 7 a.m. Take the dogs out to pee. Feed the dogs. Make my cup of coffee and decide what to take out of the freezer for dinner. Then park my happy ass in the living room until 11:00. At this point I try to remember if I showered the day before and then pick up dog poop outside. At 1 o’clock Jon gets off work and we decide if this is a day that we GET to go to the grocery store or not and who GETS to go. Who ever goes, comes back and strips off their clothes in the garage and comes in and takes a Silkwood shower while the other one washes all the produce and wipes down each individual item purchased and puts them away. Usually it is around 2 p.m. and it is time to open up our first bottle of wine. Lately we have been playing Spades on line with our friends during the cocktail hour so there is that to look forward to. We also have started Zoom meetings with our friends on Saturday night…….with themes. The first one was Disney Prince and Princesses and the second was Italian Chef night. So back to our daily routine, we cook dinner and continue to binge watch stuff on T.V. We go to bed at 9:00 but lately we go to bed at 8:00. Look at the news and see if the world is still turning. Good news, it is.

Even though we are making the best of this and trying to smile and laugh through it all, it is getting on my last nerve!

Stay safe and well everyone and don’t forget to SIP!

1 comment on “S.I.P.

  1. haha ok i’ll take a sip in your honor while I S.I.P. This seems like a pretty good routine, all things considered… It is interesting to read now but I bet will be even more interesting to look back on years down the road.

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