Sydney, Australia

My husband was sent to Australia on business and I was fortunate enough to tag along. His trip took him to Sydney and Melbourne. We were there for three weeks in January. I don’t even remember what year it was but somewhere around 2006 or 2007. Of course January it is still very warm there so beach weather was perfect. Our first thought was to rent a car and I would take him to work every day and then have the car to toodle around in. So I tried to learn to drive on the other side of the street, with the steering wheel on the other side of the car then said……”I’ll find a train or subway or my two feet to sight-see with.” He took the car and I found out that the underground was only 2 blocks from where we were staying. We rented a long term stay apartment complete with laundry facilities and a kitchen. Perfect.

Sydney Opera House
Harbor Bridge
One of my favorite parks to picnic in.
Darling Harbor

In Darling Harbor there are restaurants that surround the harbor. It is a great place to people watch, eat and just relax. In fact, I think I did a lot of writing during these visits to Darling Harbor.

Darling Harbor
Great Place to see Australia’s wild life
We loved being able to pet the Koala.
Feeding the kangaroo from a ice ream cone waffle cup.
Camera shy
Stopping for a photo op……out for a drive.
North Head
North Head

When we were there in January and visited North Head it was fly season. We were told, while hiking through the most beautiful scenery ever, to break off a manzanita branch and swat your sides and back to keep the flies off of you and your neighbor.

Here is a site that will be very helpful in planning your trip Down Under.


We loved Australia. It reminded us of San Diego with a British accent. I would love to go back again and see some more of this beautiful continent.

Cheers !

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