The Ladies Who Lunch

“Here’s to the Ladies Who Lunch, aren’t they a gas…….” A song from the Musical Company which some of my best friends were in with me and also defines who we are. We can get loud and raucous for a group of 60 somethings……ok, well there is one in her Fifties….but we still love her. I lived for most of my life in Northern California 40 some odd years. Then my children went to college in Southern California USCLB (Long Beach). They begged us to move to Los Angeles so we could be closer and we did. As it turned out it was a good move for my husbands career. Then our son graduated and moved back to Northern California and we were transferred to London, England. Well, long story longer, when our time was served in England we relocated back to Northern California because the same company said he could work from home there. My very close friends all reside within a 45 minute drive from where we used to live so I wanted to start an annual luncheon at my house and it worked out beautifully. Here are some of the pictures, recipes and crazy fun that has ensued for the last 6 years.

The first one….. From left, Jeanine, Robyn, Dee Dee, Me and in back, Babs and Lynne
Cocktail Shrimp and Sauce with Frozen Strawberries and Basil
Trifle Salad
Only 4 that year…..
Different 4, but only 4 this year too
Babs, always an hour or so fashionably late, Oh Oops!
English Chicken and Dill Sandwiches
Yogurt Parfaits
Deviled Eggs
Finally got in the water.
The next year…..fully in the water.
Six on a Clam Shell
Babs and I
This year at our new house (2019)
Strawberry Mimosa anyone?
When having my picture taken I always say “Tits Up” and Robyn took it literally.
Rustic Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake Tart
Our new house doesn’t have a pool so we improvised.

Here are some of the recipes I’ve used over the years for your enjoyment…….and Here’s to the Ladies Who Lunch, everybody laugh!!! for Strawberry Mimosas for Herbed Chicken Salad Tea Sandwiches Mediterranean Salad for Rustic Raspberry Lemon Cheesecake Tart

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