
We have a friend who is a practical joker. He is an expert. We decided it would be fun to do the ultimate prank on him. This is the story.

We go camping with our friends. They have an RV and we tent camp alongside. There is another couple who also go camping with us from time to time. One particular camping trip we went to Lake Collins which is above Marysville in Northern California. We were the first to arrive. The previous campers left a book on the picnic table. It was called “Mattie”. It appeared to be a library book that someone had checked out but it was overdue by years. We laughed about it and that was about it. Well, because our friend is always pulling stuff on us we decided to hide this book in his BBQ while he wasn’t looking before he stored it back into the RV. The joke worked. When they went camping in Bodega Bay, a number of months later, he got out the BBQ and lo and behold there was Mattie. He thought that was pretty cute and sent us a picture of the book inside the BBQ.

A year later we went camping with the other couple and they were given a present (from the jokester) for all of us to open while we were camping. This particular trip was at Lake Amador. There was a bottle of bubbly wine that they had been trying to pawn off on all of us for a while and a book. “Mattie” Pretty funny. Well done!

Nicely done!

Ok, so he got us back. We now decided to take some time to devise the biggest retaliation of them all. Bwa Ha Ha…..devious mind here.

I had been in contact with Lena the Chef of the Portugal Cooking Class quite a bit planning our day with her. I asked her if she would like to help me in a prank on one of our guests. Without hesitating she said “Of Course”. Rather then tell you about it , I will just show you the video of how it played out. It is priceless. Enjoy !

Mic Drop! So I believe Mattie will be retired, but does anyone ever know for sure?

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